Newline Character
May 30th, 2014:
My previous project for a very long time, 17 years, started showing serious signs of the end being near in 2009. While recording my last (to date) full length original CD in 2008, "Decay", I noted a very strong frustration and disliking of recording music. With the previous four albums, I was elated and happy when recording was finally completed. With Battle Cry's Decay album I was relieved but the joy and feeling of achievement was absent.
In 2009, I recorded a second album for another part time project titled LaconicAura before returning to Battle Cry. My father had passed away in 2009 and going back to writing/recording was difficult. The recordings ended up only as an EP titled "Fading Into Nothing". Ironically, that would be the last body of new original music under that name. In 2011 I recorded an album of acoustic versions of previous songs titled Acoustica with the only new song of that year, "Until I Die". I also recorded another installment in the series of acoustic cover albums in 2012 and compiling Battle Cry songs titled "Through The Years: 1997-2012".
Finally, by April of 2014, I came to terms and accepted that repeated attempts to try and write/record as well as even have any idea of what musical direction I wanted to go into next brought me to the decision that it was time to refresh. To end recording under the Battle Cry name.
I was originally stuck on the project name of The Escape Character, but it seemed very negative and also reminded me too much of Escape Dillenger Plan (metal) and I wanted something that was able to be used without modifying. There is another boy with my same name who is a country singer. So, even outlets such as SoundCloud.Com, I had lost ability to use myself as a username or anything close. I spent quit a bit of time with Google and coming up with something that might be challenging with a website domain name, but easy with anything musical.
The newline character (\n) is simply a snippet used in computer programming to send the code to the next line. I really liked the idea that it suggested that this project is not a clean slate musically or anything else. I am sure there will be some similarities. However, it is a "new line" and therefore like programming variables, I don't have to abide by any rules or musical standards that I set myself up for WAY back in 1997. Much like Battle Cry, it will evolve and if multiple albums, they will likely all sound very different.
As for sound: At this stage, with about 5 song lyrics written (drafted): picture more influence coming from darker electronic and industrial entities such as Gary Numan, Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy and so forth and not as much of the Depeche Mode, and other synth pop influence. I also want to keep the idea of being open to using any instrument the song may call for. I am fortunate to have a couple of keyboards now, electric and acoustic guitar, an electric bass, a djembe and a voice that hasn't smoked in over three years. I'd anticipate a much harder, more industrial edge while not declaring any genre.........ever.
Lyrically, it continues to vary. A mixture of love songs with dark music is something that is really interesting me at the moment however. I very much intend to branch out lyrically as well and have looked to the use of a writing instructional or two in order to develop more depth in atmosphere.
Like Battle Cry, at least at this point, it seems I'll be the sole member of Newline Character. Again, with starting a new project though, I'm leaving that open with the ability to develop if things bring it to a different situation or need.